Category: Water Pump Blogs

Evolution of the Automotive Radiator

From the time of the very first vehicles until the ’70s, radiators were made of a combination of brass and copper. No other material could compete with this combination in terms of heat dissipation, resistance to corrosion and ease of repair.

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Consequences of Overheating

It is hard to disagree that one of the most destructive things a person can do to their vehicle is to allow the engine to overheat. Severe overheating can render the engine — and many of its component parts — completely useless, resulting in a large repair bill.

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Heater Malfunctioning May Not Be a Cooling System Problem

Vehicle AC and heating systems have many common parts, which work synchronously to produce warm or cool air for the driver and passengers. Unfortunately, a single malfunctioning part or improper installation can result in failure or decreased capacity of the heating and air conditioning systems. Many auto technicians identify the vehicle’s cooling system as the culprit; however, this may not always be the case.

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Cold Weather Cooling System Protection

The weather in most parts of the country is bitterly cold right now, and much of the country is blanketed in a thin (or even not-so-thin) layer of ice and snow. Even areas that typically never see snow or ice are shut down due to severe winter storms.

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